I've never been totally anonymous since before I began writing online. Many of you have seen my face and know I’m Generation Z, among those who weren’t old enough to vote in 2016 when Trump won.
I didn’t have the reflections I have now about what I was seeing in the time Trump was running. But I do remember his many shenanigans when asked about us, the media spins that struck fear into the hearts of millions of Muslim Americans who thought that if the big bad orange man won they’d be put into registries and concentration camps. I had friends, elders, and saw influencers in our community who really thought that roaming militias of skinhead liquidation squads would come to our mosques and execute us en masse. Recent threats by mentally ill spergs justified these fears, and the MSM validated them and pushed them onto us even further.
But I remember not caring that much at all. The reason? By the time Trump came down his escalator, I was well acquainted with the online “right-wing” sphere already. I was reading guys like Heartiste and Cernovich (Yeah, that young) and many of you who were once called “the Manosphere” before you found your niches. I realized gradually, then all at once, that I had much more in common with dissident thinkers online than I did with people like Mehdi Hasan or Linda Sarsour who behave more as representatives of the DC Democrat establishment than they do actual Muslim communities and their values. I saw beyond the lies being pushed by the journalists and reporters that barely qualify as people (and this was before COVID, where they truly proved themselves to be subhuman). Then I thought, still not liking Trump at all, that it wouldn’t be that bad. Then he won.
The Muslim ban had me against him quite a bit, for obvious reasons. This was something that actually was, bias included, a stupid decision on Trump and his administration’s part. It did nothing to slow down terror attacks, which we know at this point all somehow have one of the three-letter agencies involved in them, and instead just alienated large swaths of voters (non-Muslims too) that were close to voting for him or had already. But you can’t expect that level of 5D thinking from a guy like Trump. Eventually, most Muslims moved past it as a community, then….nothing. Nothing else happened on his end. He made no substantial moves from that point on that hurt us. Almost everything from that point on was either a fabrication from emotional denial, or a hoax from intelligence agencies acting through their proxies like MSNBC or CNN doing its thing for maximum ratings.
But the real goal wasn’t as shallow as just money or hatred of Trump. Muslim Americans at one time used to be known for not being susceptible to fake news. We used to be wary of the American government and all its agencies due to the crimes they inflicted on the countries we came from. We retained our values in spite of constant anti-religious propaganda, formed communities where we had each other’s backs. We still have plenty of those things. Then something changed around the time George W. Bush’s second term ended, and thus began mass brainwashing of globalist propaganda that in less than 10 years shifted the Overton window so hard that socially conservative Muslims (again, almost ALL of them), who in the ’90s and early 2000s found themselves in agreement with much of the rest of the population on a variety of social issues, find themselves now on similar ground as the reddest states in the country where they still weren’t as welcome or pandered to. And begrudgingly so.
In addition to that, many of us were brainwashed into trusting the same news sources that made a living out of vilifying our people for years after 9/11 to manufacture consent for destroying our nations abroad. Even now, I have Muslims referencing CNN and NYT articles to me as credible sources on anything. The same publications that lied about WMDs in Iraq, that lied for 20 years about Afghanistan to keep as many troops there as possible despite the obvious failure American presence was posing. But when they talk about Islamaphobia and BLM they’re telling the truth, right?
Look at who represents us in government and public activism. Ilhan Omar dances at LGBT festivals. Linda Sarsour organized a women’s march with a convicted criminal that once kidnapped, raped, and murdered a man. She also screamed like a deranged lunatic at Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing over another baseless media lie, which was more funny and pathetic than anything. Rashida Tlaib is okay sometimes, but she’s still a demented feminist as well. She wouldn’t have reached her position if she wasn’t. There are others that aren’t significant in the public discourse but still are of the same ilk. These are not representatives of Muslims and what they truly want beyond their basic needs, in their heart of hearts. I don’t know about you, but most of us entered politics for two reasons: improving our safety and image domestically, and cutting off support for the foreign meddling and wars in the countries we came from. And no matter where you stand, it’s tough and I get that. You have neocon goblins who want to line their pockets at the expense of your people on one end, and rainbow-colored freaks who want to diddle your children on the other. Where the hell do you go from there?
But still, I thought we were in this for regime change. I thought the point was to have focus and resolve if you were going to play this game. I didn’t know many of you were so scatterbrained that you jumped at any opportunity to participate in America’s low-level ethnic conflicts, almost all of which in the modern age is based on illusions and hoaxes. BLM as a “movement” wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t backed by every major media company and had millions in donations every year by corporations, and that’s not including the relentless propaganda done for them.
How does it make sense when a Palestinian, who is against all forms of Zionist mass manipulation and funding for the crimes Israelis commit against their family in the West Bank, support a movement like BLM which is in and of itself supported and directed by the same American regime? Why waste your time, energy, and money on fake color revolutions spearheaded by upper-middle-class snobs, that never actually help black people as you claim, and instead work to throw out anti-BDS laws (which is easier than you think, since they violate American constitutional rights as well)?
That’s just one example. American Muslims by and large, despite holding views much different from the insane freaks they vote for, continue to be absorbed in the grotesque blob of the Globalist American Empire as every other minority has. The boomer and Gen X Muslims resisted this well. Millennial and Generation Z Muslims are where the ball is dropped. Yes I know, many of you aren’t what I describe here, and I’m happy about that. You confide in me about the insanity much of your other Muslim friends have fallen for. However each day it seems more of you, little by little, get buck-broken by whatever latest psy-op is going on that leftists gobble up without even taking time to look at their plate. Take this as my warning for you to WAKE UP if you haven’t already.
The Rittenhouse thing is the most recent, obvious, and boy does it just pile on. This is the event that proved to me just how many American Muslims are over a barrel. The people who are supposed to believe in Haqq, the clear truth, have apparently had their brains sucked out when it comes to basic facts demonstrable in accessible footage online, including a public trial where said footage and evidence have been analyzed and fondled more than the brothel’s best gal on a Friday night. Anti-Muslim pundits used to complain so much about how we wouldn’t just assimilate in America already. Oh, we have. When you see Muslims, in all disgrace, decrying the deaths of a serial child rapist and domestic abuser who forfeited their lives to a talented 17-year old who wastes them in miraculous self-defense, I’d say they assimilated quite well.
This is just my long-winded way of saying how disappointed I am in many of you. Your parents did not bring you here so you could align yourselves to mentally ill druggies who burn down Targets whenever a police shooting goes viral. They did not bring you here so you could learn CRT (Caucasian Retard Theory) from scolding SSRI-addicted goons. They brought you here so you could become the future. Instead, you’ve become a bunch of pseudo-Bolshevik degenerates who have the same political ideology as the boomers that caused your parents to flee their homelands in the first place.
I still love you, though. I am one of you after all, and I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t. But I’m much harder on you than I will be with non-believers because at least they have an excuse. I expect much better from you.
Also you are always hardest on those you love, because you see what they *could* be.
Brother, trump Is a Zionist, don't take sides. As for BLM, your over exaggerating, most Somali as well as some South Asian Muslims I've met as a new Muslim don't support BLM. In fact I'd be right to say they are pretty much anti black for the most part. They believe "nigga" should be in fields, but nothing more than that. Just stick to the Quran and sunna. سلام.