The Myth of Islamophobia
And the insanity that comes with it. Also, Mahdi Lock's incredible book.
While writing this, I friend recommended to me a book titled “The Big Step: How to Survive Islam in the Anglosphere” by Mahdi Lock. I finished it in a couple of days and am now declaring it to be required reading for any Muslim living in the Western world. Much of what I speak of here can be found in greater detail in this book (albeit in a more polite fashion), especially in the context of converts to Islam. Sheikh Lock does not have a Twitter or Instagram account I can link to, though I also recommend his blog. It’s very based.
At the time of writing this, there’s an online chimp-out going on with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar vs the Republican’s two most outspoken MAGA aunties, Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Boebert committed the cardinal sin of not being funny when cracking a racist joke (which could have been hilarious if she was a man), which turned into the perfect thing to keep busy with while the country rips apart at the seams from ever-growing inflation, COVID hysteria, and supply chain issues in the midst of the holiday season. Cool!
This is the most natural outcome when you elect too many women to public office in any nation, but that’s not the point here. What this catfight turned into was the familiar, repeated tactic of victimhood where Omar, whose only real claim to an Islamic identity is a hijab, her name, and occasional fundraiser visits to Muslim organizations, started to claim that she was now in DANGER. That’s right, dangerous white supremacists were arming themselves to the teeth upon hearing the rallying calls of a terrible Muslim-with-a-bag joke, preparing to waste congress’ most precious Turbanjabi. This is of course ignoring that the one time a congressman/woman was attacked was when a leftist insanoid Maddow fanboy (who has the same politics as Ilhan Omar) opened fire at a baseball range and shot Steve Scalise, a Republican.
This is what American Muslims have been reduced to now. Apparently, we’re now doing so well in this country that we have to fabricate highly unlikely scenarios to keep up the victimhood mentality and the righteous veil of “Islamophobia” that absolves us of any wrongdoing and shields us from criticism.
Let’s start from the beginning. Did you know the term “Islamophobia” wasn’t even invented by Muslims? Like most American Muslim’s opinions and values, it was assigned to them by white progressives and engraved in their vernacular. In addition to that, they were taught this insane notion that Westerners, specifically White Americans, have this duty and obligation as Americans to understand and like us, or they're irredeemably evil and deserving of some sort of punishment. Who taught you this? It wasn’t the Quran or the Prophet ﷺ, and definitely not your parents. Your parents already knew this when they immigrated here and didn’t make the foolish attempt to change the fundamental character of a people then reprimand them when they don’t respond in kind to such an insane demand. Yet you, in your narcissism and arrogance, think you can do such a thing?
It was 2016 that showed where Muslims stood in American culture and politics. Every single Muslim I spoke to that year prior to November thought Trump was going to lose. And not just lose, but in humiliating fashion. On November 2nd, 2016, 76% of American Muslims across the country turned themselves into not just cucks, but the shade of cucks, when they went out and voted for the clown whore in a pantsuit Hillary Clinton that brought more harm to the Muslim world than Trump ever did, could, and as we know now, had in the time he was president compared to his predecessors. The same Muslims that for 20 years expressed distrust of the American media due to the harm they brought to Muslim nations and how they “represented” us, believed them in totality when it came to the big scary orange man. Then he won, and you believed them all the same when they presented the Russian Collusion Hoax with zero credible evidence, and again for years on every single issue of national importance. Muslim registries, the Covington kids, BLM riots (which were happening in front of your eyes), Kyle Rittenhouse, and so on.
If you’re one of those Muslims reading this whose mind broke when Trump won, sitting comfortably the evening of election day believing the liars that destroyed your ancestor’s heartlands, what do you think it is that you were experiencing then? Beyond cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy, I find it to be a lack of honor and dignity more than anything else that’s quite common amongst American liberals. We found out from the utter shock Muslims had to Trump’s win was that they weren’t changing America for the better, rather they were transformed instead by American leftist culture into the miserable urban creatures that brought this country to ruin over the past fifty years in the first place. And you know what the real punchline is? After everything I just described, you did it again in 2020 (though more of you wised up than before). Bravo.
Most will say it was also motivated by fear. Fear of being attacked, harassed, discriminated against, and this I think is the most plausible argument. Yes, plenty of Muslims over the decades experienced violence and aggression because of how they look and who they are. Encountering such people as Muslims in a foreign land is inevitable, and thankfully they are few and far in between. But let’s think about it for a second in the long term. What have we done to rectify our image in the public view since 9/11? Any criticism about us, ranging from our theory and practices to where we align politically, always seems to be countered with outrageous claims about “Anti-Muslim Discrimination” instead of an actual moment of introspection on these issues. Some even have this delusion that “Education!” is what matters, that the tenets of Islam are something that should actually be appealing to the Anglo-American who is just ignorant and never met one of us before when it objectively isn’t. Most human beings of European descent have never been and never will be receptive to Islam’s charms. And it really saddens me when I look out and realize that there are no American Muslims with any appreciable influence who would dare look at their own communities and, in a more polite way than I would, tell them to stop being such whiny little bitches and focus on what really matters instead.
Watch this video of Tucker Carlson interviewing a Muslim Professor after the Ohio State attack in 2016. He confronts her about an article she wrote about why it was actually Islamophobes’ fault that a Somali refugee attacked people unprovoked with a knife on his campus. He asks her why this is happening. Why is this a problem in your community? What are you guys doing about it so it stops happening? And of course, like the typical academic she is, instead of forming a real argument or offering any practical solutions; all we get from her are STATISTICS about “white supremacy“, how it’s only a tiny percentage, how Muslims are also your doctors, teachers, politicians, etc. Well, that’s cool and all. Most of these snap arguments are technically true. But none of those answer why every so often a Muslim, often a convert, freaks out in the West and commits public violence. Absolutely nothing of what Tucker is asking is “racist” or “white nationalist”. These are very basic questions and demands. And the horrid reality is that moronic people like this professor aren’t the exception, they’re the rule. Nearly every American Muslim academic and figure is in a state of complete disarray and unpreparedness when it comes to the country they came to or were even born in.
And spare me the explanation that they’re “not real Muslims and actually just a tiny percentage of crazies”. Though numbers-wise that’s true, It’s far more complicated than that. First off there’s the role of stupid American Imams who make it a goal to convert masses of people to Islam without vetting; many of whom are mentally ill, could have a drug problem, or in general, be using Islam to escape from some deeprooted issue in their lives, and these aren’t people you immediately persuade into Islam. You get them professional help, and if they’re destined to become Muslim later they will. There’s the theological role of how Islam is taught in the West (specifically, the lack of emphasis on faith-based salvation that deters lots of the unstable, which Mahdi Lock explains well in his book). And you also have to include the CIA/FBI component in the United States, which by magic coincidence is always aware or involved in Muslim terror attacks, including 9/11. Have you ever stopped to think why it is that nations without a “counter-terrorism agency” never experience terror attacks? Why not look into that instead?
The only goals you should have if you care about your community in the West are to protect them from harm and make it as easy as possible for them to worship Allah and practice his religion in peace. That’s it, end of the story. Your job is not “outreach”. It isn’t “interfaith conferences”, or political conventions and events where you prop up a closeted Zionist Democrat whose useless at best and a nightmare for our people abroad at worst, all because they said a few nice words about “diversity” and “inclusion” at your mosque. These are all distractions from the real goal of making it in America: focus on your people and their prosperity, and only let into your community high-quality people who will help in that regard.
And other than being distractions, they’re also shameful on an international scale. I still remember in 2015 when the refugee crisis in Syria was the main issue of the time, how Muslims both online and in speeches were condemning and browbeating nations like Hungary and Poland for not wanting Muslim refugees and migrants in their country. I was young when this happened, but in retrospect, it has to take the cake when it comes to how embarrassing our situation has become. Please tell me, do you know what characterized Central Europe’s longest interactions with the Muslim world? War and bloodshed. These are people whose national pride since the 15th Century has been based on how well they could fend off the Ottoman Turks that wanted to subjugate and conquer them. Things like this are not trivial, they remain in a people’s collective consciousness for generations. If you truly think you can get a country like Romania or Serbia to welcome Islam and Muslims in anything less than a million years, then I have a skyscraper to sell you in Amman.
Therefore, it’s no surprise why presidential candidates like Eric Zemmour in France come out of nowhere and talk with great support behind him about how much he wants to prevent their own replacement due to mass migration. It shouldn’t shock you that as America crumbles due to the destructive policies of the leftists you allied yourselves with, it only fuels the flames of a future populist candidate that doesn’t give a damn about you or your “Islamophobia”. I don’t expect such a character to even want to do us any direct harm, as his main aggressors will be lesbian mulatta paramilitary squadrons; but if push comes to shove and we get the kind of dirty war that happened in Argentina in 1976, whose side do you really want to be on? Do you even want to be in America at all if such a time were to come?
Do not believe the lie that in order for you to withstand being a Muslim in the West you must submit and ally yourself to degenerates who want to subjugate you with kind words. Stop being a victim and displaying a shameful inferiority complex to people who naturally dislike you, and understand there’s nothing you can do about it. You only have to be liked by your people and Allah (who loves you no matter who you are). And please, for God’s sake, stop making up imaginary scenarios because of your feelings of narcissism and entitlement. All it does is make you more despicable than you’ve already made yourselves.
Great piece. I've wanted to write for a while about how American Muslims get race baited into supporting every degenerate movement of the left. If we dialed the hysteria down, we'd realize that we have far more in common with lib-right than we ever did with anything on the left.
Basically agree with everything here except the conversion thing. There is no invalid reason to accept Islam, and we are a wide tent encompassing those Allah favored more and those He favored less. The first disbelievers dismissed Nuh AS because his followers were weak. Highly likely some of them were weak for obvious reasons, like mental disability or crime. Still, we are a wide tent and Allahs care is vast-cast a wide net and take in whoever is willing.
Also I know this is addressed to American Muslims but I think it strongly applies to UK Muslims, conservatives as well. They could do nothing for years but bleat about Islamophobia as if it was somehow UK kuffar were being unreasonably upset at rape gangs and concert explosions. If you even said a word against Shamima Begum they'd jump on you (though recently it seems the mood has shifted a bit.)
So this victim mindset, opposite to the elite mindset exists among conservatives too (UK though.)
Anyways...this article was amazing putting into words what I've been thinking for a decade.