Of all the modern world’s delusions about men, especially those held by the Western academic class, there’s one that deserves its own kind of special contempt. There’s a deranged myth touted today that the reason men have such difficulty expressing their emotions; and thus leading to repressed feelings that spur into anxiety, depression, suicide, etc. is because of “male judgment” and “toxic masculinity” that revolts at the slightest expression of emotion, because emotion is girly and gay, and macho men hate it. The image associated with this claim is that of the jock, the meathead bully that makes fun of anything sentimental and stamps it out of any male-to-male interaction. These archetypes exist for sure, we all knew at least one in our adolescence. The myth lies in the REASON male friendships and bonds in the modern world have degenerated to such extents that it’s causing the kind of mental and spiritual collapse that even allows this kind of demented speculation, the conclusion of this degeneration being the modern man living in a state of constant emotional repression, a needle in his soul that picks at him day by day, and that’s not including the other hundred aspects of modern life that leads the average Bugman into becoming such a desperate creature.
These people really want to convince you that today, in the most effeminate, torporous, and biochemically estrogenic time in human history, the reason men don’t have serious bonds and a healthy outlet for emotional expression is due to “THE PATRIARCHY”. Yes of course! It’s men who screw themselves over with their judgemental gaze, sabotaging any attempt at expressing their grief. It’s not as if, for example, that in Ancient Greece where women were almost entirely excluded from public life, nearly every one of their epic stories includes instances of men chimping out with passion, rage, sadness, and despair at the many tumultuous troubles of war and life. They pretend as if it wasn’t normal for the Prophet (PBUH) in 600 AD Arabia to express himself in various instances of joy, sadness, and excitement with his companions, and them confiding in him with even greater emotion.
Nearly every ancient society which had men that make both you and I look like SISSIES (and should make you feel like one) never minded expressing themselves whenever they felt great emotion, whether it was sadness or anger, lighthearted joy or ecstatic excitement. And don’t think for a second this was only because it was during the war and other hardships. Take for instance this casual moment from the Prophet’s ﷺ life, documented beautifully by Anas ibn Maalik (May Allah be pleased with him):
It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man was with the Prophet ﷺ when another man passed by and he said: O Messenger of Allah, I love this man. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to him: “Have you told him?” He said: No. He said: “Tell him.” So he caught up with him and said: I love you for the sake of Allah. He said: May the one for Whose sake you love me also love you. Narrated by Abu Dawood (no. 5125) and classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi in Riyadh al-Saliheen (183) and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood. In some reports of the hadeeth it says: “Tell him for it will strengthen the love between you.” Narrated by Ibn Abi Al-Dunya in al-Ikhwaan (69).
And this wasn’t a rare occurrence. Men that are true to themselves have always, in a unique passion, valued the company of their male friends in a pure and heartfelt way. It’s a relationship entirely separated from sexuality, morals, and “ethics”. It’s a bond made possible by way of the male experience made apparent in the physical world, when the competition for sovereignty that lies in the soul of every man rises with the realization that you can’t make it in this world alone. A band of brothers bonded by nothing but a love of life and each other is one of the most dangerous forces human beings can manifest. It can topple nations and build them from scratch, and conquer those who have let go of this timeless truth.
I don’t know the psychology behind the moronic hags who make this claim that it was men who ‘killed’ intimate friendships and emotional expression, but it’s all downstream from this same class of harridans who don’t understand a single thing about men and their true nature. My only theory as to why they came up with such a brazen lie is that they can’t confront the truth that it’s not “male judgment” that other men fear the most, rather it’s that of women. The female gaze is the single most destructive force against male intimacy, and the elimination of most all-male spaces and the outright feminization of Western culture made this possible in less than 50 years.
What space can men possibly go to today where it’s just them? Not the workplace, not bars, not sporting events (or any events for that matter), even “clubs” in universities and schools have been ruined this way. It’s counterintuitive to a normie why men would be bothered so much by the inclusion of women in their spaces. “Haha more pussy amiright?” Well guess what, even the entrance of a single woman in an all-male space is enough to destroy any pretense of intimate male expression because the moment she enters it everything becomes a sexual competition. From how you walk around, speak to one another, your posture as you hang out all change once it becomes a co-ed space because women hate vulnerability in men more than the most “toxic” man possibly could. Even the internet at one point was considered an all-male space in its earliest days, and those who are most immersed in the tech world will all tell you in private that despite speed and feature limitations those were indeed the best days of the online realm. Everything was anonymous, anything was allowed, it was the wild west without any maidens to worry about offending. Do you think this is a coincidence?
The vulnerability women despise isn’t the romantic kind, when they come to discover the extent of our passion towards them. It’s that which is completely unrelatable to them by the mere fact of being women, that only ever comes out between men when they’re alone and undergoing some action towards a common goal. Don’t believe the lies, all women revere men. The difference is whether they accept that reverence healthily or turn to resentment and hatred from an absent father or the last guy that slept with them and ghosted. But when men are close friends and in each other’s company, their true feelings and spirits are exposed in a way they would never otherwise allow in front of a female. A woman realizing the inner humanity of men in the company of his closest companions is akin to being struck with Prometheus’ curse. It’s biological to women, they feel it on their skin and the dryness that envelopes them when they witness it outside of that context to the point even they can’t explain it properly if asked. The socially acceptable answer to “Do you like it when a man is vulnerable?” is similar to when they’re asked about how much money they wished their future husband will have, whether they like muscles on a man, etc. They’ll let you down with a gentle obfuscation of their true desires (unless you’re talking to a drunk Latina past 10 PM) because this isn’t a truth you get from confrontation, rather pure observation and action. Except in this case, the “action” is them mentally excluding you as a sexual being worthy of pursuing them.
When I was a boy I spent a number of years abroad in an all-boys school in the Middle East. As you can imagine, fighting was common and in almost every case was let off with a slap on the wrist and being forced to shake your enemy’s hand (and if you two actually had a chance to hurt each other and let it out, you actually didn’t mind it with a little persuasion). Since we were very young it was over many petty matters, but there was always a common spark that led to it becoming physical, which was one boy cursing the parents or the sister of another. At that point you had to fight because then it became a point of defending your family name, honor, and reputation. So you can imagine my shock and utter disgust when I came back to the United States and found out that there were boys who got into fights over girls. And not just any girls, but the kinds who by the age of 18 had higher body counts than a courtesan in medieval times. And if it wasn’t over that, it was some other insane low IQ instance of a territorial dispute that regularly leads to injuries and deaths. It’s incredible how there are people who think a “civil war” is coming in America when vast majorities of the male population who have high enough testosterone to fight are too busy shooting and stabbing each other over gang signs on street corners.
Whenever an American finds out about Muslims segregating their public spaces and events by gender, they love to get all giddy with mockery and pretend that we’re the weird ones. Whenever I come across this monkey-like surprise that envelopes the face of a liberal Angloid when they find this out, I make it a point to explicitly state that this is how it should be everywhere. Think that’s weird? Let me tell you what’s weird: Men, in all their supposed genius, letting even one woman introduce an almost sadistic sexual tension in places where the sole purpose is for you to either relax from the mixed and complicated world or focus on a singular task in it, where sexual competition subverts you in the worst possible ways. Why are Mosques segregated, most schools in the conservative Muslim nations of the Middle East? There is zero reason, if you care even a little about the emotional and mental wellbeing of boys, to keep them under the thumbs of the American public school system, wherefrom early childhood they’re conditioned to treat their male peers within the framework of the opposite gender and hectored by a childless SSRI-addicted schoolmarm for several hours a day. In some cases, their lives literally depend on it.
So please, spare me your worthless bullshit about ‘misogyny’ and your fake virtue signaling when you post IG stories about how “Male mental health matters too”. If you cared about male mental health at all, you’d let them be as exclusive with their spaces and hobbies as they want. You’d encourage boys and men to settle their disputes with physical (but controlled) violence. And above all things, you’d let them express themselves entirely without the worry of offending you and your addictive dysgenic friends. But none of you are willing to do that, are you?
Male solidarity begins with single sex secondary schools and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by quran.com/24/2
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