First, allow me to define what idolatry I speak of. From IslamQA:
In terms of share’ah or Islamic terminology, shirk means ascribing a partner or rival to Allah in Lordship, worship or in His names and attributes.
The texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah indicate that shirk and the ascribing of rivals to Allah sometimes puts a person beyond the pale of Islam and sometimes does not. Hence the scholars divided shirk into two types which they call major shirk and minor shirk. There follows a brief description of each type:
1 – Major shirk
This means ascribing to someone other than Allah something that belongs only to Allah, such as Lordship, divinity and the divine names and attributes.
This kind of shirk may sometimes be outward, such as the shirk of those who worship idols and graves, or the dead or absent.
2 – Minor shirk
This includes everything that may lead to major shirk, or which is described in the texts as being shirk, but does not reach the extent of being major shirk.
This is usually of two types:
1 – Being emotionally attached to some means which have no basis and for which Allah has not given permission, such as hanging up “hands”, turquoise beads etc on the grounds that they offer protection or that they ward off the evil eye. But Allah has not made them the means of such protection, either according to share’ah or according to the laws of the universe.
2 – Venerating some people or things in a way that does not go so far as ascribing lordship to them, such as swearing by something other than Allah, or saying, “Were it not for Allah and So and so,” etc.
Emphasis mine. Shirk of the major kind in Islam is unforgivable and leads to eternal damnation, while the minor form; which is what we’ve been seeing since March 2020, can be forgiven. The difference however between repentance from any other sin like drinking or fornication and minor shirk is that it requires serious reflection as to why you fell so hard from absolute faith in God’s power and the rigid timeless laws he instituted in the universe, to believing in something as absurd as an amulet protecting you from spirits or thinking God has partners in the physical realm.
I am not casting disbelief, shirk, or any other major sin on any Muslim when I say this, but it’s about the right time (if not too late) to as a clear observation at the very least: the subservience that the Muslims, particularly those in the West undertook to the hallucinations of mass COVID containment is one of the most shameful sins we committed these past two years, and one the majority of us are completely unaware of. I differentiate Western Muslims from those in the Muslim world because the latter don’t fully believe any of what they’re doing due to their own research (of which none is done), they’re just following the lead of Western governments due to the prestige they still associate with Western science. This may make the Americans and Europeans reading this laugh out loud, but yes, the people on the other side of the ocean/sea genuinely believe that our “experts” know exactly what they’re doing, despite the clearest evidence to the contrary:
I still get strange faces when I remark to Muslim friends who are doctors, engineers, and computer scientists that there hasn’t been a single country that’s demonstrated that masks stop COVID for a lengthy period of time. Even countries like South Korea, which never once relented from its mask mandate w/ 99% compliance, yet had its hard-hitting waves come and go like any country in the world. Same is apparent now with mass vaccinations, quarantines, and travel restrictions, all of which hasn’t saved a single life throughout this pandemic. I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say this. You have not saved a single person by smothering yourself to “protect” someone from an airborne virus so transmissible it might as well be a chlorine gas attack.
Yet, Muslims and millions of other monothiestic religious people don masks not because of any clear, demonstrable evidence in any country, state, city, or neighborhood on planet earth that they work; but rather because the fancy lab-coat people declared them to be so. There is as much evidence to justify masks protecting from COVID, as there is from magical talismans and salts protecting you from demonic entities roaming free space.
Tell me, what’s the difference between the Muslim that wears a jeweled amulet his South-Asian aunt gave him to protect him from evil eye, and one that wears a mask at the behest of a labcoat-wearing bureacrat who says its to protect from an airborne respiratory virus? If your answer is anything but “none”, then I have very, very bad news for you.
Even if we were to disregard the abject harm brought to Muslim nations and communities from absurd mass-containment measures as on the rest of the world, you can still make the case that the upcoming Vaxx-Variant Carousel that Western governments are preparing to have millions of us ride is an even greater form of shirk, when you allow a government entity of any kind to tag and inject you for the remainder of your mortal existence, at the threat of taking away from you whatever necessities they want until you comply. “Slippery Slopes” are not a fallacy, they’re real. When a government can inject whatever they want in you, do you think they’ll just stop there? You’re rendering yourself a slave to an entity other than God, and even if it weren’t the case you have the right to resist (peacefully and legally) at the mere suspicion of such an infringement being committed in the future.
There’s also subset of Muslims who made the case early on in the pandemic for mass-containment, citing the time period of the Prophet’s life when the Arabs were struck with plague epidemics. From a research paper in MDPI (it’s free):
I encourage you to read the whole thing, but for the purposes of this post, the Islamic views and takeaways from it were primarily this:
I have mixed views on this, so let’s review each:
Travel bans. These made perfect sense in the time of the Prophet ﷺ due to the fact that, just maybe, TRAVEL WAS NOT FREQUENT, AND 100% ON FOOT. There were no airplane, buses, or trains where people are crammed like sardines. There were no supply chains that needed 24/7 operations for the upkeep of the necessities of daily life, only caravans. This isn’t even taking into account that the populations of their cities and villages were so much lower that something like this was ridiculously easy to enforce. The fact I’m even writing this is embarassing, and I’m ashamed on behalf of any Imam or speaker that supported useless travel bans on this pretense, which is incomparable by any measure.
Medical treatments. Absolutely. Only if those weren’t being throttled for some unknown reason…
Adoption of Quarantine. Again, very easy to enforce when everyone in a village/city knows each other and there aren’t as many of you. Some of you will say that the advance in technology/tracking makes it much easier to scale it up to hundreds of millions of people, and to which I say to those folks: Good Luck Charlie.
Good Hygeine is good. I don’t see the issue here.
I’ll end with this: the originator of the sentence written after my highlights deserves to be whipped alongside adulterers and theives. The idea that any of what was done today, from the denial and suppression of valid COVID treatments, to the absurd restriction theater that in any other recent time without mass media manipulation would be viewed as a parody of a parody; any of that being comparable to the common-sense practices available to stop a disease in a community is beyond insane. And our greatest shame as Muslims is yet to come if we willingly end up in a corporate slavery scheme because too many of us wanted to prove themselves as “intellectuals” in front of their Western daddies. And that, I can assure you as being a part of this community myself, is at the root of much restriction compliance. The masochistic, cuckolded desire of liberal Muslims to prove themselves in the eyes of their Western regime bulls.
Finally, someone from our community called it: the Muslim world is assuming the superior western “experts” know it all. Ha! We were discussing idol worship just last night with my 9 and 12 year old kids. When I pointed out that idol worshipping isn’t limited to statues, my daughter said: yes, some today are worshipping the FDA and the CDC. A 12 year old gets it. Too bad most supposedly learned imams do not. And the few who do get it are not speaking up.
I have not had any support as a Catholic when making a similar claim. Disallowing the faithful to participate in the necessary praise and worship of Almighty God and then introducing the mediation of hysteria driven paraphernalia into Mass constitute a superstitious violation of the true worship which we owe to God. Such idolatry cries to Heaven for vengeance.