Does Islam have a Future in The West? - Part 2
On loyalty and belonging to the state, and the cognitive dissonance suffered by Muslims in times of probable conflict
In my first post on the subject, I alluded to the fact that Western Muslims live in a state of both belongings yet not belonging to society. They desperately seek the approval of Westerners with sugarcoating Islamic values and customs and endless moralizing about compassion/diversity/equality/(we duh religion of peace), yet alienate and engage in other-group ideology against the population that hosted them in the first place.
Let me make something clear before I move on. I’m on your side here. I want Muslims in the West to make the right decisions and prosper without compromising their faith. But I also live in reality, and it’s one that dictates that the current cycle Muslim Westerners, especially American Muslims are engaged in, is not sustainable by any stretch of the imagination. We all feel it, yet remain in silence as we accumulate more and more inertia with regards to the crisis we can find ourselves in shall we remain unaware of the path many of us are on. For the purposes of this post, I’m going to focus on the United States, but you can apply this to your countries as well barring cultural differences:
The first immigration of Muslims to the United States was in the 1930s and 1940s, increasing decade after decade and especially after the Kennedy Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. By 2001, there were 1.1 Million Muslims in the United States. Like most immigrants, Muslims in the early ages before 9/11 took on the deal Uncle Sam makes to you when you move to America. You, someone who is probably here because they’re escaping some intolerable aspect of life in their home country, have come to seek freedom from it. We’ll give you that freedom, in exchange for you working very hard and providing us with a variety of services. Also, please don’t engage in crime.
And we abided by those rules for a long time, and continue to do so. We designed American bridges and buildings, ran American delis/minimarts/gas stations, sold American cars, fixed American computers, etc. all in exchange for living in a free nation where we can make a lot of money and raise children in a land where they wouldn’t be punished for some arbitrary form of religious or political dissidence.
Thing is, if you are a religious Muslim who is now in this land of non-belief, you now have to ask yourself a variety of important questions. How okay is this Christian nation going to be with me and my community building a bunch of mosques and Islamic schools? With me raising my children on the same faith and traditions that I was raised on back home? In mainstream Islam, the common ruling on living in a foreign non-Muslim land is that it is makruh, meaning discouraged but not forbidden, permissible for a few reasons:
You’ve been banished from Muslim lands for some reason.
The economic situation in your Muslim land is trash, and you need to move to a non-Muslim land to make more money for you and your family’s survival. (Which, to be honest, is all of them)
You’re there to spread Islam with Dawah, i.e., peaceful proselytization.
Most Muslims, when you ask them today what exactly is their goal in the United States as citizens, they’ll tell you the classic immigrant story of either themselves or their parents which primarily involves #1 or #2. Then, some will even proclaim that they also want to be good representatives of Islam as a way of facilitating #3, for whoever is interested in Islam of course. And most, even those not born in America, believe themselves to be American according to their conceptions of it.
I won’t get into the failed status of converting people to Islam in this post, but for most second-generation Muslims in the west most who say that are roleplaying and full of shit. If they took Dawah seriously they’d be a part of an organization, they’d be out in the streets talking to people on the weekends and producing loads of educational content online for the purpose of gathering Westerners to Islam. Some make this their main profession like Mohammed Hijab, whom I’ve become a big fan of as of recent, but for most this isn’t the case. Of course, their response is the following: we don’t have time for that. We’re working, we have families, we have worldly responsibilities that don’t give us time to spread Islam by the word. Therefore, being our best selves as examples of Islam is the only form of Dawah we can do.
This is where my problem lies. This is a totally valid excuse from a theological standpoint, but here’s the question you need to ask yourself: ARE YOU EVEN DOING THAT?
Remember Uncle Sam’s deal I just mentioned? That changed after 9/11. If you’re a Muslim reading this, you need to understand the average American’s perspective when these attacks happened. These are tens of millions of citizens of varying levels of knowledge whose only conception of Islam was Lawrence of Arabia and a few jokes on a Simpsons episode, who saw us as any other minority group immigrating to the US year after year.
They finally began to ask “wait, what is Islam?” and many among them even went as far as proclaiming the following:
Uncle Sam’s deal is off.
What they thought at the time, also due to mass media fear and manipulation run by the American regime to justify upcoming wars, was that we had broken our side of the deal by engaging with terrorist sympathies antithetical to American Christian values. Islam was no longer this cool, fringe thing that oriental-loving hippies could explore, it was now the religion held by public enemy #1 to the American dream. Of course, the burden of proof for the accusation lies on the accuser. But that was their case, and they made it repeatedly in a variety of forms in speeches, books, and campaigns. When I mentioned in part 1 of these posts that we failed to heal our image in the eyes of the American public, this is what I’m talking about. It was our turn to testify, and the Western Muslims of the time did a ham-handed job at best.
And of course, how could they not? If you’ve made so many aspects of your faith subservient to American secular liberalism, how could you genuinely defend and explain your practice of it? How could you claim to be for the interest of Muslims when you buckle to the demands of one side of the political aisle every chance you get?
We never stayed neutral as we should have done. The Democratic party gave us an out to climb on their platform of “love” and “diversity” and we took it because that was the easier option. We didn’t perform any complex, cohesive “infiltration” in American politics as some wignats feared. It is also the most catastrophic political decision Western Muslims continue to make because this is the party that has been controlled at every level by the occupational class running this country in the first place. The same globalist establishment that villainized us, bombed our countries to oblivion, spied on us here in the states for decades is who we’ve played in the hands of.
BAP made a great point on his podcast Caribbean Rhythms about this, and the insanity that comes with conflating Muslim migration with an “invasion”. We didn’t come to the West with a hundred tank divisions. We were invited in to be made tools by the globalists, to be another set of lumpenprole in reserve to defend them whenever they’re even questioned about their intents. And many of us, especially the DC Democrat operative Muslims fell for that scam hook line and sinker.
A good parallel to look at is the fate of the Irish Catholics who at one point were in our situation. The fear the British had of Catholics ages ago was the fear Americans have of us now, that we’d be disloyal to their country should a conflict come about. Over time the Catholics assimilated a great deal - they prayed for the English monarch of the time, and when conflict came in the form of two world wars they fought and died for Britain. The fears of their disloyalty dissipated, as they proved by dying for their country that they were now a part of it as a people. Will Muslims undergo this same test?
The example above is Mahdi Lock’s, and I agree with him that this time will come sooner or later, but not how he thinks. He imagines it as Muslims joining Americans against a foreign nation, and this is something we all fail spectacularly at, except in this case we have the right to refuse. If you ask any American Muslim man of fighting age if he’d ever serve in the military, most will laugh at you, some will even get offended you’d even ask that. Even if the war wasn’t a fake one against a Muslim nation for financial purposes, you’ll have a very hard time getting Muslims to fight and die for America against Russia or China, because many of them don’t spiritually see themselves as Americans anyway. In surveys and in interviews they’ll lie to both you and themselves when they go “Oh I’m American, just as much as any white person!”. But actions speak louder than words, and we prove by resisting that aspect of citizenship that we defy being fully integrated Americans. In addition, the more the years go on there’s less and less even white Americans will want to suit up and fight wars for. Many on the right even agree that there’s zero reasons to die for a regime that hates you. If a true war were to occur, many would either sit on their asses and refuse as Muhammad Ali did (the right move) or just go home to their parent’s country if they aren’t refugees or exiles (also the right move, except this would expose how they really feel).
The way I see it though, and I’ve alluded to this multiple times, is it’s more likely going to be Muslims fighting and dying with one faction of Americans against another, in whatever form of violence comes about in the upcoming decade. We already see small examples of it already like the semi-viral story of Urooj Rahman, the psycho lawyer who threw a Molotov in a BLM riot, whose a Pakistani-American Muslim.
A lot of Muslims are under the impression that when they side with the Democratic party, including their hoaxes and ideologies (including the COVID regime tyranny), that they’re with the majority. They could never be more wrong. The sick people they imitate for American approval are the real minority, and do not represent the will and wants of the majority that continues to grow larger the more the left humiliates itself. I’m paying very close attention to the 2022 midterms to see if my people here are changing overall for the better, as indicated somewhat by the 2020 election where Muslim Republican votes doubled compared to 2016. But I write this because I’m worried about many of you, and the extreme narcissistic delusions you want to drag us in But as of now, a lot of you need a good metaphorical beating to snap out of it. All I hope is it won’t cost us any lives before we finally do.